Bursaries (covering full cost of registration fees) are available for “at-risk” and/or economically disadvantaged youth. Each bursary is for a two week session in our core “learn to sail” program in August. Bursary recipients must provide their own transportation to EYC and the items on the standard "what to bring" list, including a life jacket.
Nominations for bursaries are accepted from principals of TDSB or TDCSB schools in the local area. The Junior Sail Program does not accept bursary applications directly without the support of a school principal. We rely on school principals to ensure only deserving and qualifying candidates are nominated. There are a limited number of bursaries and we want to ensure they are awarded to children who will benefit most from them.
If you wish to apply for a bursary, please contact your school principal. TDSB schools in the local area are aware of the junior sail program and have details of the application process. These bursaries are intended for “at-risk” and/or economically disadvantaged youth. Before approaching your school principal about a bursary ask yourself a few general qualifying questions.
Do you live in subsidized accommodation?
Is your total household income less than $50,000?
Is your child generally healthy with a positive outgoing attitude?
If you did not receive a bursary for your child, would you be able to afford to pay the regular registration fee for the course?
In the event that your school principal is unaware of the program we will provide details to him/her by request to jsp@eyc.ca
Note : Bursary applications will be accepted from April 1st to June 30th.